Piano & Keyboard Lessons

Welcome to Piano & Keyboard Lessons in Anglesea

Get ready to enjoy creative, fun and engaging music learning.

Individual lessons for beginners of all ages. Parents welcome to sit in on lessons.

Scroll down for more lesson and course info then Contact Joanne  to reserve your lesson time.

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Piano Lessons

You will have fun developing your technical, expressive and creative skills on a grand piano. Learn how to read and create music.
Enjoy playing pop, rock, jazz, blues, the classics and more as you travel down your own unique musical pathway.

Keyboard Lessons

Get ready for exceptional musical enjoyment as you learn how to create music, play lead sheets and use the features on your keyboard to create professional sounding arrangements. 

General Information

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At piano and keyboard lessons in Anglesea you will enjoy learning how to read and create music in a range of styles.

Individualised learning programmes using a variety of fun and engaging resources will accelerate your musical development.

Clear guidance on using the most effective practice techniques will ensure your consistent improvement and efficient progress towards your music goals.

Piano and keyboard lessons are conducted during the school term in my well-equipped home studio.

Lessons are 30 or 45 minutes in length and consist of a range of skill development activities designed to develop life-long, well-rounded, confident musicians.

Home practice is a breeze with many incentive and award programmes to make home learning a fun part of every day.

Students can choose to learn for leisure or prepare for examinations in classical or modern piano or keyboard.

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Piano Lessons in Anglesea Piano Teacher

Communication is a priority. 

Families receive detailed lesson follow-up outlining student progress information and home practice activities for the coming week. 

Families are also kept updated through the Weekly and Term Newsletters and Semester Progress Reports.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me to enroll or for rate and lesson availability information.